Corporate Governance / Corporate Information

Corporate Governance Concepts

The PLUS Group conducts business that emphasizes sound management, transparency and compliance. We recognize the importance of establishing a management system that can flexibly respond to changes in the business environment, and we endeavor to strengthen corporate governance. In addition, we are working on proper management of various compliance and risk issues in our business environment, and appropriate responses to them in the event of a crisis.

Corporate Governance System

The Board of Directors of PLUS CORPORATION, composed of 11 directors, deliberates on important management matters and reports on business overviews. In addition, we have established the Corporate Council as a body to discuss matters delegated by the Board of Directors and other important business matters, in order to expedite decision-making and engage in active discussions on management issues as appropriate. Two corporate auditors attend meetings of the Board of Directors and of Corporate Council, and exchange opinions with President & Chief Operating Officer, directors, and presidents of subsidiaries on a periodic basis. Reports on important issues related to audits are received from accounting auditors and the Audit Department, and on-site audits are performed on a regular basis.

Internal Control System

In addition to the Director’s meeting and Auditors, PLUS CORPORATION has established an Audit Division to conduct a wide range of business management audits and internal audits in cooperation with the Auditors and the Audit Division, and to strengthen the system to ensure the effectiveness of internal control.

Compliance Committee / Risk Management Committee

At the PLUS CORPORATION, the Board of Directors, President & Chief Operating Officer, Compliance Committee, and Audit Division are authorized and responsible for carrying out decision-making, auditing of observance status, and making instructions for improvements with regards to various compliance-related matters.

Basic Risk Management Guidelines have also been established to enable appropriate management and action concerning the various risks encountered during our business activities. A Risk Management Committee and Crisis Management Office report directly to the Managing Directors and address the following risks: (1) risks of violations of laws, (2) product and service related risks, (3) credit related risks, (4) information related risks, (5) employment and human resource related risks, (6) risks of crime or other foul play in our companies, (7) risks of disaster and accidents, (8) environmental risks and (9) other relevant risks.

The PLUS Group Compliance Policy

In June 2006, PLUS Group established The PLUS Group Compliance Policy as a guide for thorough implementation of compliance practices. This policy establishes the basic matters that allow everyone in the Group to act while complying with laws and regulations and with a high sense of ethics.

Initiatives to Foster Awareness of Compliance

Compliance Education and Training for Everyone Working in the Group

In order to raise awareness of compliance in general, The PLUS Group endeavors to instill compliance throughout the company by measures such as regularly providing education and training on laws and regulations. In fiscal year 2023, we implemented measures for realizing a work environment that is free of improper behavior and harassment within the entire Group. For example, we conducted five compliance seminars for Group executives on topics such as achieving diversity.

Establishment and Operation of a Whistle-blower System (Helpline)

The PLUS Group has formulated Compliance Helpline Regulations and put in place an internal reporting system whereby any PLUS Group employee can consult about and report conduct that is questionable in terms of compliance, and have set up two reporting points, both external (reporting to consulting lawyer of PLUS CORPORATION) and internal (reporting to Compliance Committee Office). If a report is submitted, we pay due consideration to preventing any disadvantage being incurred by the whistle-blower. We strive to prevent any harassment, misconduct, or the like, and if it does occur, to detect it at an early stage and correct it.

Prevention of Sexual and Power Harassment

To preventing sexual or power harassment at workplaces and realize a working environment where every person is respected as an individual and able to work in equal relationships with others in a comfortable way, The PLUS Group established rules to prevent sexual and power harassment. In order to prevent any harassment from reoccurring, we inform every employee of the rules and offering sexual and power harassment prevention courses as part of the internal training given by external trainers. This training mainly targets managerial staff, helping them learn from previous cases of harassment which occurred in the group.

Fair Competition and Trade

The PLUS Group complies with laws and regulations such as the Antimonopoly Act and the Subcontract Act, and thoroughly implements measures to ensure fair trade. In addition to formulating the Action Guidelines for Compliance with the Antimonopoly Act and the Manual for Compliance with the Antimonopoly Act, we have established the Antimonopoly Act and Subcontract Act Subcommittee within the Risk Management Committee to disseminate information about the action guidelines and compliance manual. In addition to the various guidelines, we have posted resources such as a collection of questions submitted in-house and a link to the Fair Trade Commission FAQ on the company intranet so that all employees can check them immediately when necessary. In addition, e-learning compliance seminars are always available throughout the Group for employees to learn about topics such as the Product Liability Act and the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, and we regularly hold study meetings on various laws and regulations.

Human Rights Policy

PLUS Group is putting in efforts to build a corporate culture that fully respects human rights and appreciates personality and individuality.

  1. We do not discriminate based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, disability, or any other status, and do not tolerate such behavior from other parties. Also, a fundamental approach to respect for human rights is for us to practice mutual respect and act while thinking from the perspectives of others. We always keep this in mind in our behavior.
  2. We do not tolerate child labor or forced labor. If we find our clients or other business contact is using such labor, we call for corrective action, and will not do or terminate business unless the correction is verified.
  3. We respect and defend human rights based on our corporate value. We acknowledge that human rights violation lower the morale and motivation in the workplace, and will not overlook any violation of human rights, striving to create healthy and strong working environment.
  4. We conduct ourselves keeping in mind the followings in order to improve our workplaces.
    (1) Teamwork in the execution of our duties
    We bring the expertise of individuals together in the team to deliver products and services that are beneficial to society.
    (2) Openness in the workplace
    We build a culture of openness in the workplaces where employees are able to discuss uninhibitedly with supervisors or senior employees.

Corporate Profile

Headquarters 12F, Toranomon Towers Office, 4-1-28, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan
Founded February 16, 1948
Capital and others 9,867 million yen (total amount of capital stock and capital surplus)
Representative President & Chief Operating Officer: Tadahisa Imaizumi
Number of employees Non-consolidated: 1,457; Consolidated: 8,108
(as of December 31, 2023)
Consolidated Subsidiaries 46 companies (as of December 31, 2023)
Major Businesses
  • Manufacture and sales of office furniture, and office interior goods
  • Manufacture and sales of stationery, office supplies, OA and PC related products, and office equipment
  • Design, construction, and interior design of office environments
  • Manufacturing and sales of electro-optical equipment and educational equipment
  • Sales of daily commodities, food products, software and books
  • Online sales of the above-mentioned products
  • Overseas business related to the above-mentioned products
Sales 97.5 billion yen (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, non-consolidated)
231.8 billion yen (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, consolidated)

The PLUS Network

PLUS CORPORATION and our group companies operate in the stationery business field, furniture business field, distribution business field and logistics / service business field. Our companies have an impact on one another, sometimes as network companies and sometimes as good rivals. In order to create customer satisfaction with our original methods, we are developing a unique business based on the flexible approach of undergoing various transformations in response to social changes and customer needs.