Satisfaction for Workers

People can't enjoy their jobs and work towards a sustainable future unless they have a work environment that everyone finds fun and exciting. We create the ideal environment for a diversity of people, with diverse work styles, to thrive and shine, giving workers a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
- Efforts and recommendations to create better work styles and more comfortable environments
- Transforming organizations to harness diversity
- Future-oriented human resource training
Related SDGs
Highlights in 2023
Acquire “KENKO investment for Health Certification”
The health management initiatives for PLUS CORPORATION, OFFICECOM CO., LTD and NSK Corporation have received appraise.
88 attendees at WANNA BE
The desire and intention of employees who “WANNA BE” have expanded.
Over visitors 10,000 to “PLUS DESIGN CROSS”.
Many visitors have come to see the new workstyles and the creation of an easyto-work-in environment at PLUS.
Individual thoughts on Satisfaction for Workers
Efforts and recommendations to create better work styles and more comfortable environments
Efforts and recommendations to create better work styles and more comfortable environments
We aim to create work styles and comfortable environments where each employee can work with enthusiasm and enjoy a healthy and fulfilling working life. And not only within the company. We will draw upon our wealth of knowhow for recommendations aimed at creating work styles and environments for our customers.

1. Propose new work styles and comfortable work environments
2. Continue work style reforms, and provide systems and environments that are comfortable to work in
3. Further improve industrial health and safety initiatives, and promote health management
Transforming organizations to harness diversity
We aim to realize diversity and inclusion by transforming an organization that respects diversity into one that goes further and harnesses diversity. We will transform into an organization where there is no discrimination or harassment based on gender, age, region, nationality, religion or some other cause; an organization where human rights are protected and there is mutual understanding and tolerance.

1. Promote diversity and inclusion
We will focus the respect for diversity and individuality that is in The PLUS Group's DNA and create new value which contributes to society.
Creating new value by adding different individualities together. This is DNA that PLUS CORPORATION has valued ever since our founding. In order to respond to the diverse needs of society and our customers, and to achieve sustainable growth, we have created an environment in which individuals with diverse attributes, career orientation, and ON/OFF priorities (values) can demonstrate their individuality and abilities and play an active role, and have striven to put in place impartial evaluation systems.
Going forward, it will be necessary to further maximize and fully demonstrate the capabilities of each individual employee so that we can create new value in the ever-changing environment in which The PLUS Group exists. In addition, in recent years, we have welcomed many colleagues into our company through aggressive M&As with a view to future business development. In order to make use of the DNA and strengths of each The PLUS Group company and contribute to society, the promotion of diversity and inclusion is positioned as one of the priorities in our management strategies, and we aim to be an organization that respects diversity and where each individual can fully demonstrate their capabilities.
Training and awareness campaigns related to diversity and inclusion
PLUS CORPORATION runs an e-learning course to promote further understanding and awareness of diversity and inclusion.
It has been held twice, in August and December of fiscal year 2022. The first session was designed to promote understanding of the concept and importance of diversity and inclusion, and to provide insights to change the participants' awareness and behavior. The second session was designed to encourage participants to think about what specific considerations need to be taken into account to realize an organization where diversity is leveraged. Going forward, we will continue to develop activities to promote understanding.Achieving work-life balance
PLUS CORPORATION is creating an environment where each employee can demonstrate their capabilities to their full extent and play an active role over the long term.
Specifically, we have set up systems where childcare and nursing care days off, leave and shortened working hours are available to employees who need to balance their job with providing childcare or nursing care. In addition, we have adopted flexible work systems such as flextime, an hour-based paid leave system, and remote working.
We will strive to create working environments where all employees can demonstrate their capabilities while maintaining a good work-life balance.
Future-oriented human resource training
With the aim of realizing a workplace where each employee can work enthusiastically and demonstrate their abilities to their full extent, we will enhance our personnel and education systems and create an environment where employees can receive appropriate training and guidance opportunities.

1. Improve WANNA BE and other career support systems for employees
2. Expand employee education and training, and the personnel exchange system
I think it's important for us to actually put our ideas on creating a comfortable environment into practice before we make recommendations to our customers. With work styles becoming increasingly diversified, we will continue to imagine future work styles and try things out. We will draw upon the fruits of those experiences, both the successes and the failures, in our recommendations to customers. Projects such as office renovations require a tremendous amount of time and money, and we will actively challenge ourselves to create comfortable environments.
General affairs, Corporate Division, PLUS CORPORATION